What is a “human firewall” and how does it protect my business?

What Is A 'Human Firewall' & How Does It Protect My Business? #4In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organisations must continually seek innovative ways to protect their data. Among the most critical cyber security strategies is the human firewall. If...

How do I spot and stop phishing attacks?

Users How do I spot and stop phishing attacks? Introduction. Phishing is a serious issue with a frivolous name. According to the UK Government 83% of successful cyber attacks on businesses in 2021 came from phishing attacks. It’s impossible to ignore as a major threat...

What is the Dark Web and how does it threaten my business?

Users What is the Dark Web and how does it threaten my business? Introduction. Even though most people know the term “dark web” these days, most people are still pretty unclear what exactly it is.  Thanks to news articles were probably vaguely aware of it as some kind...